Saturday, 4 May 2013

ASOLO Fugitive Hiking Boots

Asolo FugitiveFor anybody who has seen my feet (without socks on), the most typical remark is "hobbit feet". Yes, I have odd shaped feet, I don't mean freakish feet with extra or missing toes, more I have a broad, wide feet and ever so slightly longer than average toes.  Finding normal foot wear, trainers and shoes is not a problem BUT finding walking boots defiantly is!!
My latest pursuit of finding a good fit walking boot took me (I'm not kidding) 10 types of boot before I found one that felt worthy and 'pre-braking-in' comfort

Why?  Certain hiking boot vendors focus on particular stylings, narrow, average or wide fit, modern or old fashioned styles, lightweight, heavy duty, narrow and wide 'toe-boot's etc...
The scarce combination for me was wide fit and wide 'toe boot', plus I need something that was reputable for its water proof ability (nothing worse that very we feet, no change of socks and 10 miles to go with the fee, absolute max spend £100

I tried on Salomons Quest 4D (looked great, nice and light but to narrow, ), Scarpa Terra & (quality but to narrow), Brasher Hillmaster (good traditional boot however bit cumbersome), Berghaus Men's Explorer Ridge Boots (too small or to large a fit), plus a whole bunch more until finally......
Introducing the Asolo Fugitive :)
Having review the web thoroughly, this boot kept coming up as an excellent water proof companion.  It took my three sizes to find the right one agreeable with my 'hobbit toes'!
Strength - It's a strong soled, mid weight boot, confident feel offering reasonable comfort, decent laceup system, ankle support.  Sole holds good grip in wet..

Water proofing - Easily handled various 5-10 step's worth of passing through streams upto the upper line above toes boot without any leaking.
Drawbacks - Because it has a strong sole to protect from stoney lumps and bumps, after 10 miles plus, sole of feet did start to hurt although could be more to do with distance achieved. Once I had swapped inner sole with my after-market 'Superfeet' sole (higher arches support), plus a low cost 'undersole' from  Scholl I found the comfort threshold extended even more so by many more miles!!
In summary  - Thoroughly field tested on several ventures including 2 x 3 day session in aggressive mountain terrain North Wales, traversing through dry, wet, ice and snow (noting it's not a crampon grade however supports micro spikes extremely well- tried and tested ascent and descent on  Snowdon and Crib Goch covered in ice and snow!).  Boot is very well suited and best at home mountain terrain and suitable for hill climbing.  If you're more a grassy hill walker on shorter routes, I suggest the Asolo Flame instead as pretty ,uch the same however more flexible, softer sole.

Overall, excellent boot indeed and will be using this for many a season to come - 5 out of 5

1 comment:

  1. ASOLO Fugitive Hiking Boots. Asolo Fugitive For anybody who has seen my feet (without socks on), the most typical remark is "hobbit feet". Yes ...
